
Make RPGs Weird Again!

Ideas & Nonsense

New Background – Vintage Wizard

I realized a week ago or so, that I never really made a background to play an actual fantasy-style wizard.…

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Weekly Monday Update #10

Things will change. This week I was really motivated to do some ttrpg content and that is what I did!…

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Froothies – Devlog #9

9th Monday(almost) Update Ups. Forgot to post yesterday. Not a lot of stuff happend for the smoothie game anyways. I…

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Froothies – Devlog #8

Happy eight week anniversary. Last week was good. Found some motivation again and converted the whole design of the previous…

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Froothies – Devlog #7

For this week, I managed to design the shop part of the game. Where you buy upgrades, seeds, and other…

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Froothies – Devlog #6

Again, I did not work on much this week, as lots of personal stuff got in the way that was…

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Froothies – Devlog #5

5th Monday Update Not a single line of code was written. But still did some work. Found a good name…

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Froothies – Devlog #4

After finally being somewhat satisfied with the mechanical content of the operation interface (the smoothie making part), I finally started…

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Froothies – Devlog #3

Got a small video for you this time. The week was not as productive as I hoped. I made the…

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Froothies – Devlog #2

Nothing much to report. Only had enough time to programm the shop ceiling monitor. It is capable of displaying all…

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