
Make RPGs Weird Again!

The Weirdness of Whim

The theocratic republic of Sach Mein

Currently working on my new sandbox adventure about killing a currently pupating god that fell from the sky aons ago.…

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Blinking instinct and living metal – WC #31

Are we the only planes? Are there other? And most importantly, can we visit them and make new friends? Part…

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The many gods of Ohm – WC #5

In Ohm the gods are part of normal society. You do good in respecting that fact. Part five of my…

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Overview of Orf #2

The corpse of the mysterious stranger has disappeared from the crematorium, to which the body has been sent after extensive…

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Overview of Orf #1

The continent of Orf is an isolated ecosystem where the most colorful and strange creatures cavort. In the southeast, it…

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Andora, the dying Kingdom

Derelict huts and barren, rotting cornfields, broken weapons and worn out people with battered faces. The constant struggle for survival,…

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The Swampmarshes – Gorgeously Deadly

In the old days, when wishing still helped A wide open bog, dominated by mold and rot. Treacherous brackish marshland…

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